What a difference a week makes

It’s amazing how much situations can change in just one week, they don’t call it a roller-coaster for nothing. Last Monday, we were due to have our first court date, but we’d found out that this was cancelled because Y’s biological mother had been found. We were anxious and unsure of what was going to happen.
And in one week from today we will be in court, and hopefully we will be approved to adopt Y. In ONE WEEK/seven days/168 hours we should hopefully be parents!

keep calm

Our court date on the 11th was postponed to the 15th, and the Judge requested that Sami bring Y’s biological mother to the hearing. We weren’t sure if she was going to show up, and if she hadn’t we would have had a further delay of a few weeks. We don’t know what Sami said to her to persuade her, but she did come to court and signed what she needed to sign so that we could proceed. On Friday afternoon we got the call, and were just so incredibly relieved.
Later on Friday afternoon Sami gave us our second court date. This is the amazing bit, it’s on the 26th of November. We didn’t dare hope we would get to court so quickly so we’re completely thrilled. I really can’t express how happy we’ve been with Sami, he’s been incredibly supportive and has managed to get our case sorted out so quickly and easily.

We’ve booked flights and the hotel, and we’re brushing up on what we need to do with regards paperwork in Addis and to get our baby back into Dubai. And then there’s the packing. We will have him with us in the hotel, so we need to take over all the stuff we’ll need for him. It’s an odd way to start parenthood, in a hotel in an unfamiliar country, but I suppose a hospital is equally strange. I don’t think it will feel real until we get him home to Dubai and safely settled in his own little bed.

We are deliriously happy and excited, and just a little nervous. For everyone who’s been hoping and praying for us THANK YOU so much. The support we’ve had has been really touching. And please just keep it up for another week! xx

7 thoughts on “What a difference a week makes

  1. I see. I hope you’ll be able to sort something out. I can only imagine that it would be very helpful and healing for your son to grow up with some contact with her/other family members/his original community. Both now as a child and as he develops more questions/longings as a teenager and young adult. All the best!

    • Thanks. Trying to work out the best way through this isn’t easy, but his welfare is the most important thing. We’re looking forward to getting a professionals’ viewpoint on it. We don’t even know if she is willing to talk to us at this point, (and it would be through a translator) so it’s tricky.

    • We’re going to see our adoption psychologist on Thursday and discuss it all with him, not sure exactly what we’re going to do yet.
      Her circumstances mean that phone calls and emails are not an option, and post will be difficult. Any contact would have to be through our lawyer, it’s all quite complicated.

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